50 cubic foot ONE CAR SHUTTLE KILN – ESH050



CHAMBER WIDTH                                   800 mm

CHAMBER DEPTH                                 1 500 mm

CHAMBER HEIGHT                               1 200 mm

ELECTRICAL POWER                             45 kW

CURRENT                                             3 X 68 Amps

POWER SUPPLY REQUIRED                3 phase and neutral

EXTERNAL WIDTH                                   1 450 mm

RAIL LENGTH                                            4 000 mm


*                    Frames are mild steel, epoxy coated

*                    Cars run on roller bearing wheels and engineered rails

*                    Cladding is 316 grade stainless steel

*                    Vents are provided under cars and in the arch

*                    Doors close onto ceramic fibre door seals

*                    The insulation comprises 114 mm insulation brick (imported) and 50 mm secondary insulation (usually ceramic fibre based)

*                    Elements are Kanthal A1

*                    Large electrical boxes have hinged covers

*                    All wiring is silicone insulated

*                    Under floor seals are mechanical and total effective.

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